Friday, March 14, 2008

Modeling Career Highlights

I've had a busy two weeks modeling in SL and it looks like my SL modeling career is starting to take off.

First, I entered a CiLe Modeling Agency contest on a whim and won $300L, which was quite a surprise for me. That's me in the middle and Zalee Winkler on the left. Zalee is an SL DJ -- you'll see her at quite a few events in world. She's a sweety, too. I have to thank her for TPing me over to the event and mentoring me during my first catwalk. Yes, I am wearing ears and a tail. That was the event theme. CiLe is an agency that represents all kinds of models, whatever their ethnic, racial or furry background.

Second, I was asked by Playboy SL management to pose for a Rock the Rabbit ad campaign in-world. You can see the results of the SL shoot on the in-store display on Playboy Island

What's it all about? Glad you asked. Playboy in RL asked twenty musicians (e.g. Iggy Pop, Duran Duran, Jamie T, Tokyo Police Club, Little Ones, etc.) to design a custom line of limited edition t-shirts. A pictorial is featured in Playboy's RL March issue.

The Bunny Shop Catalog sells the RL shirts, so browse on over and snag a couple for your physical self. When in-world, teleport to the SL store for the pixel versions.